Keep Mobile Beautiful is celebrating Earth Day this Wednesday, April 22, with an open house at the Metro Recycling Center located at 1451 Government Street.
Recyclers and visitors will be greeted by “Sparky”, the Keep Mobile Beautiful mascot and treated to free refreshments, fun gifts, free flower and vegetable seeds, informational displays, games for kids and much more.
Visitors will also receive a free azalea shrub and be able to register for free prizes from local businesses.
Sponsors for the Earth Day celebration include Recycled Fibers, Mobile Gas, MAWSS, Firestone, Walgreen’s, The Home Depot, Van der Giessen Nurseries and Goodwill Easterseals.
WHO - Keep Mobile Beautiful
WHAT - Earth Day Open House and Celebration
WHERE - Metro Recycling Center / 1451 Government Street
WHEN - Wednesday, April 22 / 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
nice to see this post. many people hardly sell mobile and this is a good encouragement by offering prizes/awards. lets join hands and save our environment by recycling the unwanted or no further needed products, as toxins might generate.